In this special compilation episode, you’ll hear Maverick Show guests describing their first-hand accounts of accidentally winding up in a sex hotel in Japan during a typhoon, narrowly avoiding a kidnapping in the Sinai, hitching a ride on a private jet in South Africa, walking into the world’s largest food fight in Spain, being imprisoned in Bahrain, getting chased by an elephant in Zambia, hitchhiking to the pyramids in Sudan, bike-riding naked with 800 people in Seattle, free diving with Blue whales in Sri Lanka, taking the world’s longest train ride from Lisbon to Saigon, swimming with caimans in the Amazon jungle, driving a rickshaw across India, and much more. FULL SHOW NOTES AVAILABLE AT:
Episode #223: Travel Stories from Around the World: A Maverick Show Mixtape
Episode Summary
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About the Guest

Matt Bowles
Matt Bowles co-founded Maverick Investor Group in 2007 as a fully-remote company to help people buy cash-flowing rental properties in the best U.S. real estate markets, regardless of where they live. He has been featured in major national media and was named one of the “Top 50 Real Estate Opinion Makers and Market Leaders”. Matt and his co-founders at Maverick have helped individual real estate investors buy over $100 million in residential investment property across 15 U.S. States. Matt has been a full-time digital nomad with no permanent base since 2013 and has run his company from 65 different countries on 6 continents. He is also the host of The Maverick Show podcast where he interviews today’s most interesting location-independent entrepreneurs and world travelers. The Maverick Show was ranked the #1 Digital Nomad Podcast in the World by Web Work Travel. Matt is a proponent of “stylish minimalism” and travels the world through multiple climates with carry-on luggage only. He is also a sought-after speaker and has delivered keynote addresses at conferences around the world, ranging from the Nomad Summit in Chiang Mai Thailand to the Bansko NomadFest in Bulgaria to the Nomads BA conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is regularly interviewed by international media on topics relating to real estate investing, location-independent entrepreneurship, and long-term world travel. He was also featured in the film “Roamers”, the first ever studio-backed documentary on the digital nomad lifestyle.
What You'll Learn
- A compilation of travel stories that were told on The Maverick Show
Links From the Episode
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- Krystal Pino 193
- Tarek Kholoussy 17
- Dani Dirks 188
- Nora Dunn 136
- Joshua Stephens 158
- Tue Le 204
- Zein El-Amine 201
- Becky Gillespie 168
- Lydia Lee 124
- Marisa Meddin 31
- Tiffany Green 38
- Jimmy Naraine 162
- Kristin Wilson 35
- Shakeemah Smith 133
- Sean Tierney 21
- Sharon Rosenberg 217
- Nick Martin 19
- Monique Lindner 55
- Eva Adongo 213
- Mujtaba Saifuddin 183
- Juliana Rabbi 164
- Bill Manassero 26
- Jessea Lu 215
- Travis King 101
- Conor Walsh 209
- Agnes Nyamwange 46
- Sarah Gregg 4
- Chantal Patton 141
- Vivien Sansour 139
- Santiago Sosa 170
Time Stamped Show Notes
**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode.
[1:06] Krystal Pino accidentally winding up in a sex hotel in Japan during a typhoon
[1:45] Tarek Kholoussy accidentally crossing the border into Uganda illegally
[2:25] Dani Dirks seeing her first Komodo Dragon
[2:46] Nora Dunn taking the world’s longest train ride from Lisbon to Saigon in 30 days
[3:25] Joshua Stephens avoiding a kidnapping in the Sinai and seeing the Milky Way
[4:18] Tue Le returning to Vietnam for the first time
[5:14] Zein El-Amine being imprisoned in Bahrain
[6:09] Becky Gillespie traveling across India in a rickshaw for 10 days with a stranger
[6:54] Lydia Lee waking up to find gunmen in her bedroom
[7:35] Marisa Meddin walking into the world’s largest food fight in Spain
[8:32] Tiffany Green hitching a ride on a private jet in South Africa
[9:21] Jimmy Naraine on diffusing a dangerous situation by beatboxing
[9:59] Kristin Wilson on her driver abandoning her during election protests in Nicaragua
[10:36] Shakeemah Smith on getting chased by an elephant in Zambia
[11:12] Sean Tierney on falling over the edge of the largest active volcano in South America
[11:48] Sharon Rosenberg on wine tasting during protests in Chile
[12:19] Nick Martin on bike riding naked through Seattle with 800 people
[13:29] Monique Lindner on swimming with caimans in the Amazon.
[14:16] Eva Adongo on avoiding Taliban rockets during an earthquake in Afghanistan
[14:59] Mujtaba Saifuddin on seeing the Northern Lights
[15:44] Sarah Gregg on taking the train in China
[16:24] Juliana Rabbi on having no hot water in Nepal
[17:30] Bill Manaserro’s family avoiding a kidnapping attempt in Haiti
[18:12] Jessea Lu on free diving with Blue Whales in Sri Lanka
[18:54] Travis King on making cocaine with one of Pablo Escobar’s top scientists
[19:24] Agnes Nyamwange on getting put in a detention center in the U.S.
[20:11] Connor Walsh on hitchhiking to the pyramids in Sudan
[20:51] Chantal Patton on stopping for elephants and hoping they don’t sit on the car
[21:20] Vivien Sansour on being gifted a papaya in Chiapas, Mexico
[22:24] Santiago Sosa on not getting the room he expected in the Himalayas
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