Stef Solferini starts off describing his recent experience spending New Year’s Eve in Rio and then participating in the Carnival parade in front of 80,000 people in the Sambadromo.  Next, he describes his background and his deep connection with the continent of Africa. Stef shares his reflections on the key to unlocking joy and happiness after studying positive psychology for years. He describes his commitment to minimalism and shares his journey becoming a full time digital nomad and downsizing to carry-on luggage. Stef then talks about his experience living in China, doing 2,000 scuba dives around the world, and reflects on why he continues to travel and what travel means to him. He then talks about his professional trajectory in the business world and his experience founding the Marco Polo Group to coach Fortune 5000 CEOs. Stef shares the primary obstacles CEOs are facing today, the biggest leverage points that can propel them forward, and the most effective tactics for small business owners to grow quickly . He also offers tips on managing a fully distributed team, building company culture in remote business, and shares the leadership attributes that the best CEOs have. And, finally, Stef explains how he optimizes his productivity and designs his lifestyle. FULL SHOW NOTES AVAILABLE AT: