In this episode, Matt Bowles contextualizes the U.S. movement to defund and dismantle police departments in the history of institutionalized white supremacy and police violence in the United States. He talks about the consistency of police violence and repression of the Black community for hundreds of years without pause, from slavery to the convict-lease system to Jim Crow to the “war on drugs” and the explosion of prison-industrial-complex. He shares how the trend for the last 4 decades has been to cut social services, criminalize social problems, and expand the role of the police to handle them. He talks about the school-to-prison pipeline, the privatization of prisons, the financial incentives to keep people incarcerated, and the rise of mass incarceration. He also shares how the police have been increasingly militarized over the last few decades, receiving billions of dollars of military hardware from the Pentagon as well as training from the Israeli military. He then reviews the extensive attempts at “police reform” by the Minneapolis police department over the past 5 years and how they have all failed. He clarifies that policies of both Republican and Democratic Administrations have contributed to the problem. The movement currently underway is people taking matters into their own hands at the grassroots level and working with City Councils to defund police departments and re-allocate those resources back into communities of color, social services, education, and needs. And the commitment to dismantle the Minneapolis police department opens up opportunities to explore new models of public safety that can be used to build communities that, for the first time in American history, are safe for Black people. Full Show Notes Available at
Episode #88: Defunding and Dismantling Police Departments and How You Can Support Ending Systemic Racism
Episode Summary
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About the Guest

Matt Bowles
Matt Bowles co-founded Maverick Investor Group in 2007 to help people buy cash-flowing rental properties in the best U.S. real estate markets, regardless of where they live. He has been featured in major national media and was named one of the “Top 50 Real Estate Opinion Makers and Market Leaders”. Matt and his co-founders at Maverick have helped individual real estate investors buy over $100 million in residential investment property across 15 U.S. States. Since 2013 Matt has been a full-time nomad with no permanent base and has run his company from 65 different countries. He is also the host of The Maverick Show podcast where he interviews today’s most interesting real estate investors, entrepreneurs and world travelers. Matt is a proponent of “stylish minimalism” and travels the world through multiple climates with carry-on luggage only. He is also a sought-after speaker and has addressed conferences around the world ranging from the Nomad Summit to South-by-Southwest on topics relating to real estate investing, location-independent entrepreneurship, and long-term world travel.
What You'll Learn
- The history of racialized policing, repression, and prisons in the U.S.
- The movement to defund and dismantle police departments in the U.S.
- How you can support ending systemic racism in the U.S.
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Time Stamped Show Notes
[1:14] Minneapolis City Council Votes to Dismantle the Police Department
[2:33] Calls to Defund Police Departments all Across the U.S.
[4:12] The Historical Lineage of Police Violence Against Black People in the U.S.
[6:55] Dramatic Police Expansion, Militarization, and Mass Incarceration
- The Rise of the Prison Industrial Complex
- Criminalization of Social Problems
- Slashing of Social Services
- Expansion of Police Responsibilities
- Private Prisons and Financial Incentives to Incarcerate More People
- The U.S. Has the Highest Incarceration Rate in the World
- The Destructive Impact of Incarceration on the Black community
[11:41] The Militarization of the Police
- U.S. military funneling billions of dollars of military hardware to the police
- Israeli Military has trained thousands of U.S. police officers
[13:09] The School to Prison Pipeline
- Slashing Social Services And Putting Police Into Schools
[14:12] Failed “Police Reform” in Minneapolis over the Past 5 Years
[15:52] The Movement to Defund Police Departments Across the U.S.
[17:22] Dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department
[17:49] Donate to Organizations Helping to End Systemic Racism
- Reclaim the Block
- Grassroots Law Project
[19:39] How Business Owners Can Support Ending Systemic Racism
- Make a Clear Statement in Support of the Movement for Black Lives
(Free Use of Maverick Investor Group Company Statement Language Without Attribution)
- Making a financial commitment to causes that work to end systemic racism